The Gossip
The press deadline for the latest edition of The Gossip, Hornton’s very own village newspaper, is nearly up. To find out the date that your copy is required by, please check the Hornton village column in the Banbury Guardian. You can do this by buying a copy of the paper or checking their online website.
Just about anything legal, decent honest and truthful can make it into current edition of The Gossip, just as long as it’s signed and it’s about Hornton.
So please contact Anne Joyner (thehorntongossip (at) aol dot com) with your recollections, recipes and reminiscences as soon as possible.
You can also advertise in The Gossip. For advertising enquiries please contact Ni Marot (justina dot marot (at) gmail dot com)
Gossip Back Issues: (All Gossip have links and will open a .PDF file)